" When I left home that day to get a quick coffee before going to my concert, I didn't think I'd stumble upon such a great guy. Honestly? At first I thought you wouldn't even want to talk to me, I was so nervous to go up to you and ask for that autograph on my 'Winter' sheetmusic. It took me a lot of courage and I'm so glad I did, because it really did change my life for the better. You really are the definition of perfect and I love you so much, it's unreal. And this all just confirms the feeling I got when we first talked; 'This man is my soulmate. I found him.' And that gutfeeling was so right. You make me so intensely happy and I'm so happy that I get to call you my *fiancee*. Happy one year anniversary, Woosung, and I hope many, many more. I love you. "
- Your Loredana