
hey i havent been here a while but zodiac stories has 101k reads!! thank you!
          	just know that i see all the notifications and comments, but i dont really reply or anything oof
          	but thank you guys :)


@the9thangel hi umm... one question what are each signs gender and who are they shipped with cause I am kinda confused... Sorry


Okay can I just point out how good these are? Plus she responds comments?! Yep you sure make the best zodiac stories! I personally am a Scorpio and love how you didn't make those stereotypes zodiacs normally get such as being manipulative. Cause I'm sure that everyone knows that seeing one of those TikToks about their zodiac being shown as a terrible zodiac sign is a horrible feeling, so thanks for making sure no zodiac sign is shown as a bully. Plus you made every zodiac sign have its own unique personality and I think that's pretty cool! Don't give up posting, this is some really good story making! ☺️ I hope this helps encourage you to continue this amazing zodiac series!


hey i havent been here a while but zodiac stories has 101k reads!! thank you!
          just know that i see all the notifications and comments, but i dont really reply or anything oof
          but thank you guys :)


@the9thangel hi umm... one question what are each signs gender and who are they shipped with cause I am kinda confused... Sorry


Leave me questions for a q&a!!!


If you could go anywhere on Earth where would it be?


Northern or Southern Hemisphere? Which do you prefer?