Hey there, bookworms!
I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe during the current crisis that is spanning the world. I'm usually a pretty inactive poster (*glances at the summer 2019 date of last announcement*), but I wanted to check in with my Watt community. I hope you're staying healthy and taking the current pandemic in stride.
Chicago has grown quiet. Grocery stores are empty, businesses are closing, and our community has withdrawn themselves from our usual routines. Our offices have closed until further notice, and my boyfriend and I have had to navigate this "work from home" challenge. Our dining room table used to be reserved for me when I was deep in my rabbit hole, writing. Now it has become a dual desk as we work from 9am to 5pm as Legal Investigator and Technical Recruiter. While it is easy to fall into fear -- or even full-on denial -- that things are changing, it's important to remember why we are putting up walls between us and staying inside.
It's out of Love, for our communities, our families, and our significant others.
I'm using this abundant amount of time at home to edit drafts and write new material. You'll see consistent updates (if you haven't already) coming through for "Half-Blooded," as I edit the entire book towards a finalized draft. I'm also hoping to release a taste of what comes next for Serenity over the next few weeks in a new excerpt.
I thought the current state of the nation and the broader world would kill my creativity, just to replace it with anxiety and fear in this new phase of "adulting." But it has become my escape from reality more so than ever before. So if you find yourself in a tough spot and feeling blue from the world, plug in your headphones, listen to a new playlist and write or read! Let your downtime shape you, or fine-tune your skills. I'll look forward to seeing the art we all will create!
Stay safe & wishing everyone good health,