
And that’s a wrap, folks! The final story as part of my short story collection, “Dishes and Dreamboats” has been published. “A Timely Doll Doctor” sees Antoinette Hartmann’s world flipped upside down when she receives a call only a few weeks after the end of WW2. This story is by far the longest one of the collection, yet I think it works well as the final story. 
          	To those that have been showing my first ever short story collection love in recent weeks, I cannot express my thanks enough! Reading your comments and watching you meet my characters has been an absolute delight, and I look forward to returning the love in the coming days as I shed my writer’s skin for a little while and enjoy being a Wattpad reader! Don’t hesitate to send me your story links below. 
          	But, of course, I cannot conclude this announcement without hinting at what’s to come. Seeds for my first Wattpad NOVEL have been planted for a few months now, and I’m finally going all in on my debut novel. All I can promise is that it’s going to be quite groovy! : ) 
          	Thank you to all that all have shown interest in “Dishes and Dreamboats.” 
          	Happy reading, 
          	Stephanie xoxo


Hello lovely, I've just finished the Starlet Before, and was wondering which story to head to next? Are they all connected? super excited : )


@theStphnieCollection awesome awesome!! and thank you so much! I know it was inconsistent with the reading but the starlet before was my favourite as well, i love your writing style : )


@rose_marie_96 Hi! Thank you for reading and commenting on “The Starlet Before.” Your support helped my novella reach 800 reads, a first for one of my original stories! The rest of my stories are not connected, but most of them take place in the 1930s, 1940s, or 1950s. Depending on what you’re looking for, “Dishes and Dreamboats” is a short story collection where every chapter is a different story whereas “The Doughterys’ Home Front” is a multi-chapter short story. I’d recommend either! On another note, I plan to catch up on “Children’s Games: A Story of Modern Consequence” soon! It’s my favorite read at the moment! : ) 


Happy Sunday,  just a quick “Thank you” note for following me, and for your support of The Book of Leah.  I hope you are enjoying it. I have enjoyed Reading "Mary's Place"   Which of your books would you like me to support as well?


@jmloveinlaodicea Happy Wednesday (sorry for the delay)! It has been a pleasure supporting you and “The Book of Leah.” I plan to dive back into it tonight. As for my stories, “The Starlet Before” is a personal favorite of mine and my first recommendation, but for a shorter read, I’d recommend my recently completed short story collection, “Dishes and Dreamboats.” All of the stories are bite-sized. 


Hi, are you interested in reading my book? It's okay if you aren't
          If you are, let me know and I'll read yours


@theStphnieCollection 'The starlet before' seems really interesting! I'll go read it rn<3333


@AnonymousChase Whichever one piques your interest! “The Starlet Before” is a personal favorite of mine, and it’s my longest story to date (10 chapters, 24k+ words). But, like I said, the choice is yours. 


@theStphnieCollection By the way, what book of yours should I read?


I can't wait to start reading your stories! They all look amazing and intriguing!


@Em1The2Crispy3 I love your enthusiasm, thank you! I will definitely be checking out yours as well! : ) 


And that’s a wrap, folks! The final story as part of my short story collection, “Dishes and Dreamboats” has been published. “A Timely Doll Doctor” sees Antoinette Hartmann’s world flipped upside down when she receives a call only a few weeks after the end of WW2. This story is by far the longest one of the collection, yet I think it works well as the final story. 
          To those that have been showing my first ever short story collection love in recent weeks, I cannot express my thanks enough! Reading your comments and watching you meet my characters has been an absolute delight, and I look forward to returning the love in the coming days as I shed my writer’s skin for a little while and enjoy being a Wattpad reader! Don’t hesitate to send me your story links below. 
          But, of course, I cannot conclude this announcement without hinting at what’s to come. Seeds for my first Wattpad NOVEL have been planted for a few months now, and I’m finally going all in on my debut novel. All I can promise is that it’s going to be quite groovy! : ) 
          Thank you to all that all have shown interest in “Dishes and Dreamboats.” 
          Happy reading, 
          Stephanie xoxo



Thanks for returning the follow! =)


@theStphnieCollection My pleasure! And I hope you enjoy my work. =)


@MDjarin17 You’re welcome (and thank you for the follow in the first place)! I’m excited to dive into your bibliography. 