
@jezzy1901 Yeah, sure!


@theWorder You definitely should upload it! When you do send me a PM and I'll check that outttt. 
          Finally someone similar to myself when it comes to reading books! Cheers for nerding it up! ;]
          Yeah, I attempt - decently - at writing.  I have a short story up, three motivational tributes up, and two stories uploaded, but the stories are still being updated.  If you do decide to check one out, I have a story with thirteen chapters - though some are so short- uploaded and it's the one I've worked the hardest on, but it's nothing compared to some stories on here. Lol.  
          No need to check them out though, it's no big deal!


@Dezzypants I am atually writing something, but I haven't uploaded it here yet. I will, though... at least I think I will.
            And believe you're not weird, I do the same thing. They mentioned something who was connected to greek mythology and I sent two weeks researching about it.
            Haha, so are you a writer?? I'd love to read something... ;)


I would LOVE it if you could maybe make another cover for my new story? the cover u made for 'I will never stop loving you...' was amazing and I'd love it if you can make one for 'Can Cinderella find her Prince Charming?" thanks! 
          p.s. I'll PM you the details :) 


I wanted to read something written by you after seeing your comments on Emily's stuff, then I check out your page..and there's nothing.
          So, I'm guessing you're just a reader?
          Anyways, I love Susan Collins too!  Though, I love the Hunger Games..I thought her younger more childish stuff was really excellent.  By this I mean Gregor The Overlander.  I read it when I was really young, but the characters just stuck with me.  I always loved Gregor's bat Ares.  I even begin to look up Greek mythology as a little kid to find out more about the name.  I suppose I was just simply weird?  Lol.
          I am at war with many many authors who have no idea about it too!  Makes perfect sense to me!  Like J. K. Rolwing...why did she have to kill off EVERY ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS EXCEPT DRACO???
          Okay, sorry, just a big fan of the HP series.