
Hello there! I'm very disappointed to announce this, but I'm really sorry i cannot write storys anymore, I used to write because i had useless time which i used to write whatever used to goes in my mind, But now that life is hectic and stressed i couldn't make any idea, more like i don't feel like to write anymore, I'm really very sorry but my writing storys journey end here, i have responsibilities that i couldn't do whatever I wanted to, I'm really sorry once again but there's won't be any story update!! You all supported me all this time and gave me so much love and your attention which i loved a lot, I'm going to miss everything i used to do whatever i wanted, Please forgive me , and about the snap story that story is available on inkitt app you can read snap story there that is completed and that's a real owner of that snap story!!


@the_2005lx I was waiting for Snap!! Noo I'm still waiting.. 


@the_2005lx thank you so much for the wonderful works, I will definitely miss you,i respect your decision am feeling sad , take care dear writer ❤️ I will miss you just like i miss ohmnanon all the best 


Hello there! I'm very disappointed to announce this, but I'm really sorry i cannot write storys anymore, I used to write because i had useless time which i used to write whatever used to goes in my mind, But now that life is hectic and stressed i couldn't make any idea, more like i don't feel like to write anymore, I'm really very sorry but my writing storys journey end here, i have responsibilities that i couldn't do whatever I wanted to, I'm really sorry once again but there's won't be any story update!! You all supported me all this time and gave me so much love and your attention which i loved a lot, I'm going to miss everything i used to do whatever i wanted, Please forgive me , and about the snap story that story is available on inkitt app you can read snap story there that is completed and that's a real owner of that snap story!!


@the_2005lx I was waiting for Snap!! Noo I'm still waiting.. 


@the_2005lx thank you so much for the wonderful works, I will definitely miss you,i respect your decision am feeling sad , take care dear writer ❤️ I will miss you just like i miss ohmnanon all the best 


I'm really sorry for not updating any storys chapters, I recently got job and was busy with work. Plus I'm still a teenager student and my family have debts where my path leads to more difficult ways. I had to do part time job as well so I was more busy than before. I hope you all understand and wait patiently. And people who wants to read snap they can download inkitt app and search for snap story it's available there. (But in straight version). 


@Hanswaist I love your stories, by the way! They're always so damn good. I've been waiting for Snap since months, and I honestly can't wait for the next chapter. Keep it up, author-nim+


@the_2005lx hey, it's okay! Take your time, yeah?


Hellow there everyone! Thank you so much for the 300 followers, We're now a 300 family members thank you so much for the love and support you're giving me and thank you so much for being patience with me, so here I'm saying that I'm gonna upload the snap fanfiction on YouTube but in straight version people who knows that snap is actually jungkooks fanfiction i will make it available on YouTube. Once i upload it i will add the link on my bio!!


@the_2005lx To be honest, I have to tell the truth. I have been reading your books for a long time. I read them all with pleasure. I log in to Wattpad every day to see if there is a new chapter. You are our best book writer. If you ever stop writing, remember me because I can't read anything else but yours.


You deserve more than that!


Phi, I can't find your Instagram profile, have you deleted it?


@taekookblues i didn't delete but changed the username 


Apparently "Mafias crazy love. S1" crossed 100k reads!!!! And I'm so thankful to everyone who supported me and keep on supporting! So basically i wanted to say something more, I know my English grammar is very bad people who do understand grammer very well having problems with reading my novels. I'm so so sorry about it that you guys have to read it with so much problem. But i honestly do my best to keep making meaningful sentence. Myself knows I'm bad in english but the love i have to write storys wanting me to Still write. Please forgive me for my bad grammar and the mistakes i made in my novels. I will keep on trying to update the storys chapter soon as possible!!


@the_2005lx its ok every one make mistakes keep going , you are doing it good  


Hey sis...actually the whole reason l came to Wattpad was bcs of u...u are darknunmul..l saw ur jjk ver. of SNAP on YouTube and how it attracted me...thought u have deleted it years before and thankfully u deleted it just after l had red it all...l just couldn't get the storyline Outta my mind and l came here again to see if u still had it but it's not jjk ver.