
//*dances in angst*
          Gilen was originally on his way to his 1P because in his opinion all the other 2p are mean and stupid so he rather spends time with Gilbert.
          Silently he counted something in his mind.
          //Btw, Gilen is mute-


            The albino shrugged together, surprised that someone calls him and turned around.
            Quietly he looked confused to him.


(Angst is wonderful xD)
            Anghel had just finished his normal Sunday tea with Hungary when he saw Gilen. He licked his lips as he saw his prey walking by him. He never had the chance to get close to the man do to him disappearing a lot. He decided it would change today so he ran after the man. "Gilen, wait!" He called out to him.


//I suppose its completely fine with you to roleplay with Ocs, right?
          Sissi walked through the area and pouted. She was jealous of Hungary and offended that Austria didn't play the piano. And so Sissi is pouting in C-Moll and being overdramatic.


            //Oh okay ^^ Its fine.
            Sissi looked up to him, getting away from her thoughts.
            ,,Huh? Hallo. Who're you? I am Sissi."
            She looked lightly mistrusting up to himtwirling a strane of her hair around her finger


(I have nothing against ocs. I think they are fun. ^^ Also, I am sorry, for the late reply. I am currently working on somethings on my mine account. ^^')
            Anghel was out in his woods looking for new flowers or anything he could welcome into his little garden. He stopped, however, when he noticed a girl walking through his area. He didn't remember ever meeting her before, but he was quite interested in meeting her. Besides, if there was a chance to lure more prey in then he would take it. "Hello there," he called to her as he placed a smile onto his face.