
Hi everyone ! I know I’ve been really quiet and I’m hoping to change that here pretty soon. I’ll be working on “it all comes crashing down” here soon and I hope you all will enjoy it. 


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Ok so I just wanted to let everyone know I totally scrapped the old "The Weight of A Heart" plot. I wrote that story when I was like 11 or so and looking back on it it was full of errors , plot holes , dull vocabulary and I just couldn't find the inspiration to sit down , rewrite the shit and continue with the old plot.
          So I deleted all the old chapters and I did a complete overhaul on the plot. It is STILL A BXB and STILL WEREWOLF. BUT , Fenrir and Skye are no longer in the story and the plot is completely different. (besides the obvious bxb and werewolf bits). Please note though that the title and cover are going to stay the same , this story will always be "the weight of a heart" and I will not change it , but the old story some of you may have read is gone/ 
          If you really want I might go back to those two and eventually write a story for them again , but I don't really think anyone was too attached to them.
          Project list:
          The Weight of A Heart - In progress , chapter 2 will be up by the 10th.
          Angel On Fire - Prologue will be out by the 2nd of November , or I may just write it and publish whatever I have done at the time after I finish TWoAH
          No New Projects at this time , thank you for reading !