
Daily awards update
          	I'm in need of judges for the awards.  I only have 4 judges and I need at least 20 so if you or someone you know would like to become a judge please check out my awards book.  Also, categories are filling up, only 2 spots left in best antagonist.  That's the only Mini category left, and only 2 spots in Paranormal.  There are also only 2 spots available in science fiction, so if you're wanting to join my awards join soon.


@ella_rowan thank you, I think I'll add that.


@uniquemeScutie yes, as long as you judge a different category than your story is in.


Daily awards update
          I'm in need of judges for the awards.  I only have 4 judges and I need at least 20 so if you or someone you know would like to become a judge please check out my awards book.  Also, categories are filling up, only 2 spots left in best antagonist.  That's the only Mini category left, and only 2 spots in Paranormal.  There are also only 2 spots available in science fiction, so if you're wanting to join my awards join soon.


@ella_rowan thank you, I think I'll add that.


@uniquemeScutie yes, as long as you judge a different category than your story is in.


Hey guys, the mini categories in the awards are filling up!  Only four spots left in the mini categories!  So if you're wanting to join now is the time!  For the regular categories, Paranormal only has 2 spots left, science fiction only has four spots left and fantasy has 12 spots left so if you're interested in joining those categories and haven't already please do that ASAP.  Thank you for all of those who have already joined my awards.  I can't believe how fast it's filling up.  Have a great day ya'll!


Spots are filling up quickly in my awards.  The categories best main character and Best character development are almost full, so go join if you haven't already.


@the_discovery_awards Is it possible to enter a genre but not a category. I have a book which doesn't fit into any of the remaining categories but can fit in several genres.