Disadvantages in being with my family:
- they make it feel like getting mad and sad is a sin
Ex.: "Don't get mad or I'll get mad and you're not gonna like it" Like, tf?! You're allowed to get mad but not me?
- you can never have privacy because "wE aRe YOur FamILy" and that families don't hide secrets form others (ps. I never had my own device nor room ;-;)
Ex.: "Why do you have a password? Are you hiding something from us? Tell us your password!"
- you always are supposed to do something
Ex.: *laughs at computer screen* "Why are you using the laptop? You know you're not allowed to use it when there are still chores to do! God, y/n, why are you so lazy and incopetent and you don't even have the initiative!"
-5 mins. later-
*sees the whole family using devices and no one gets mad while I work my ass off under the sun*
hahahaha. help.