@reader0086 Heyy author i didn't even know that I unfollowed until you msg me . I'm extremely sorry for that, I don't what happening to my Wattpad account cause I already faced some issues in my account. I'm also aaa ambient write ( I wrote almost all 7 stories but they are bl stories I mean boy love stories but they got deleted 3 months back and also I have others issues too , so please don't understand me . Now also I'm trying to follow you but it doesn't working ♀️ I hope you understand my situation plzzzzzz. I love all yours stories then how can I unfollow you hmmmm . And also I'm also writer i know how pain it gives when someone unfollow us . So please believe me I didn't unfollowed you plzzzz .. na yana unfollow panapore plzzz thappa nenakade ma plzzzz na venuna unaku chocolate vangitharane plzzzz I hope you believe me and also soon I will follow you cause I'm facing some issues with that and also i will support you with my whole Heart . I don't want to hurt you i want to reconcile with you hope you understand . Plzzzz give me rply for this plzzzzzz ma