
I have not been on Wattpad in a coons age, but I would like to notify all my followers that I have been working on a new book. In a couple of weeks, or sometime sooner, I will be posting the first chapter of the book (if it is completed by then, of


I have not been on Wattpad in a coons age, but I would like to notify all my followers that I have been working on a new book. In a couple of weeks, or sometime sooner, I will be posting the first chapter of the book (if it is completed by then, of


!!ATTENTION!! **This is a message to all my followers** I am just letting any of you who want to know that my first chapter for 'Unmasked' is almost complete. I should have it done in the next two-three days! I'm sorry it's so long, but it's super hard to keep up the detail. Please, please tell your friends about it if you like it! The books means a lot to me... And I just want my message to get out there and be heard(: 
          Thanks to anyone who took the time to read my update!
          The Invisible


Thanks for the follow, lovely :* And your story "Unmasked" sounds amazing. I had a friend in junior high who got cyberbullied. I really want to read it! Keep me posted. (:


I also had a friend who was cyberbullied, and I myself was cyberbullied. The story means a lot to me! And I will sure keep you posted. Shoot me a message sometime!


Omg, thanks so much<3 I really want it to be my best story yet!