
Sorry for the lack of updates on Mundane, work's been kind of mental and i've been prepping for my two months of studying abroad/solo travel which I leave for next week. I have been working on some things bts, just don't feel like it's worth publishing at this stage. I'll be back late october and hopefully had some time between class/travel to polish some of it!


Sorry for the lack of updates on Mundane, work's been kind of mental and i've been prepping for my two months of studying abroad/solo travel which I leave for next week. I have been working on some things bts, just don't feel like it's worth publishing at this stage. I'll be back late october and hopefully had some time between class/travel to polish some of it!


i dont care if you hate taylor, or you like taylor. this is an attack on girls and woman. what happened this past month. And particularly 9 days ago when girls were killed for attending a taylor themed party. As well as today where an terr0r attack was prevented but some suspects are still on the run, an attack that could've repeated Manchester. All because of the amount of hate taylor and her fans have been recieving, the threats and jokes to k!ll her and her fans for months on end, almost becoming truth. Even now with this news, joking about how we (misagonists) almost did it, refering to an attack being prevented... you are sick and part of the problem as to why women are afraid and are part of the problem to femicide, this is real and sickening. I am glad they found out the day before the show... london already had me high on fear due to the facists rioting about the murders 9 days ago, but the news of the attack and people still being on the run has me even more on the fence. Why can't girls and women ever be safe and live their lives... :/


Apologies to anyone reading Mundane, I was meant to update and have at least one chapter pre written to be scheduled for the three weeks on holiday with little service being off grid mostly. 
          Sadly work has gotten in the way the past few weeks cause my boss up and left, leaving me (underpaid, understaffed and this being way above my capacity/capabilities) so it's been a struggle and hassle to just make it through my days.
          Will be back from my vacation mid June and hope to finish the chapter I meant to post before leaving ASAP that same week.