
this message may be offensive
We already knew the fuckers the company I work for is and has been the past 2 years particularly. But they deadass just backstabbed me by opening the assistent manager for job seekers despite me doing all that shit as assistent and manager *since we dont have one atp* and having been promised I'm going to be assistent LOOOOL


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We already knew the fuckers the company I work for is and has been the past 2 years particularly. But they deadass just backstabbed me by opening the assistent manager for job seekers despite me doing all that shit as assistent and manager *since we dont have one atp* and having been promised I'm going to be assistent LOOOOL


Can y'all cross or pray for me, whichever works for you, this Saturday. I'm hella anxious since the venue next to where I'm  going to a concert to go an terr0r threat last week but the venue I'm going to attached to it hasn't mentioned a single thing. Lowkey scared but also just hoping nothing happens. Would really appreciate if someone hoped some safety my way 
          My sister stressing about my safety stresses me out so much more, and I get her but can we just hope for the best?!


Yo where the hell did 27 followers go in one day lmaoo


@-bluesupernova all the socials are going through it today damn


wp seems to be having a massive clearout haha 


@the_mazetrials I was on 400 for half a year so probably inactive pages but DAMN 


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when you've literally worked 8 hours in your time on my only day off and 2x in my post work time at home this week, barely had a breather back home once i could, basically will be overworking again and again like this past week for the next several weeks bc of christmas... i DO NOT get paid for this btw (I write the hours bc fuck them honestly, they don't pay me for doing not 1 but 2 tiers worth of tasks above my pay grade and dont get a choice in the matter, my ceo doesnt even care lol) and it's going to wreck me. I just want to write, finish my photography stuff from this year which also bc of all of this got a beating and insane delay (i wanted to be done by NYE, I'm not even half way bc of the past month and upcoming weeks) and stuff :(