
when do you think people will realise that the taskmaster was a disappointing villain is because she isn't the villain in black widow and it was actually drakov


like sure the taskmaster couldve been more interesting and contributed more to the themes but that also wasnt the focus? idk


when do you think people will realise that the taskmaster was a disappointing villain is because she isn't the villain in black widow and it was actually drakov


like sure the taskmaster couldve been more interesting and contributed more to the themes but that also wasnt the focus? idk


huening family just a bunch of famous bitches fr. two of them idols in popular kpop groups, their dad was a singer back in the 2000s, their eldest child does modeling(for her aunt's brand too????) and she's majoring in acting and wants to pursue a solo career in music?? this family has a trait and they are holding onto it tightly


i just spent the last 10 minutes trying to tape the holder ear part of my glasses back on and it didnt work this jsnr working well


@r1ddl3-m3-th1s i tried to and it just broke, feel apart, rip glasses cause ive been wearing them without the ear holder thingfor the past 3 hrs


I super glued mine back on 


i like noticing when characters have phrases they like to repeat and say, like how wolverine says "bub", i think it's fun and cute. like mans is just tryna do his best and be nice sometimes and saying bub makes me seem so friendly!! reading a comic rn where a dude js literally running at him repeatedly say "kill" and he just calls him bub and it's like :] oh logan you are so cool i like you


he's such a scrunkly lil meow meow like *chops of ur limbs* "bub. i did my best." you go king, routing for you rn <3


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[awesamdude stream Feb 4 2022]
          This stream is just appreciating the work that sam put into the prison; and rightfully so. Minecraft redstone is really fucking hard, it's impressive to do small things, but something as big as the prison??? There's a lot that goes into that, it's a fucking fantastic creation.
          tl;dr peole who do redstone are cool and i'm proud of ccsam and the work he put into it consistently <3


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not to come back with a hot take and no warning but eternals wasn't a bad movie in any right. Did it have faults? Of course, but it didn't deserve the shit rating it got. (48% tomatometer). It's just a wake up call about how restrictive and biased people can be without meaning to be. Let me explain a little;
          Eternals was a huge step in representation not only for Marvel but mainstream media as a whole. Poc characters, an lqbtq+ character, and a deaf character, all in one movie. Sure, it's a huge cast to juggle, but it's a huge leap.
          The problem with movie reviewers is that a lot of them that stand out- especially those choosen to review a Marvel movie of all franchises- is that it's very priviledged. It's cishet, white, abled people who have representation watching a movie that doesn't prioritise them and they don't like it.
          Public people know that they can't outright say they're against certain things, that would discard their review as biased with ease. So, they imply it. Saying that you can have your representation, as long as it's kept in a box. A series of tropes that the "majority"(heavy brackets) can understand.
          Ingeneral, our modern media is growing more and more open to the minorities being shown in a positive light. In the modern IT(2017) movie, adapted from Stephen King's book where the bullies were heavily implied as gay- going as far as adding a sexual assualt scene in the book- but in the movie adaptation, it wasn't implied.
          BUT! Big corporations will only give you enough to keep the keep both audiences passified; The Owl House as been canceled with only three specials for a finale, along with several other shows who have been pushing and pushing as minorities with creative passions to tell their stories.
          I'm sorry i know what I'm trying to say but I always say it with too much elaboration and I get tired. Does this make sense? I reall trailed off lol.