
Holy crap. I'm turning 17 in a few months?? and by a few months, I mean NEXT month??


Hey Hey Hey^_^
          Thank you so much for taking an interest in Tall, Dark & Hooked and checking it out ❤️
          It really means a great deal to me! Thank you so much for your time and support ♡(> ਊ <)♡
          I loved your comments U^ェ^U 
          I hope you enjoyed reading it and I hope to keep you entertained for the chapters to come! So, Stay Hooked ♥️
          Take care and Stay safe (◕ᴗ◕✿)
          Loads of love to you ❤️❤️❤️


@PudumaiPen omg lots of love to you too ^^~ ❤❤ヾ(≧▽≦*)o


Building ventilation is down and it's hot at the house rn. istg I think I'm either gonna melt or collapse. Like—
          i woke up really sweaty
          i had to change from long pajamas to a crop top and shorts
          i had to put ice on my coffee, not that im complaining
          and i have to constantly spray myself with cold water and fan myself just to keep me cool
          send help.


My sleep patterns are all f*cked up and I hate it.


            the time of when I go to sleep. Nowadays I sleep early in the morning (around 2 a.m) and then I would also wake up early (5 a.m) and feel no tiredness at all. Normally on a school day, I tend to sleep by 8:30 pm and wake up by 4:30 am but it leaves me tired for some reason


@Blue_Wolfwoo What is this....."sleep pattern" you speak of??


Great, I'm a prisoner in my own damn home. Here's my schedule:
          Sunday to Thursday- wake up, school, home, review, sleep
          Friday- church then either home or afternoon activity (speech club) then home, review, sleep
          Saturday- wake up, review, more review, eat, sleep
          Guess no more outings for me. Thanks a lot, Mom
          Gee, Best Mom Award goes to...