Sorry I've been gone a while. I'll be getting to messages and comments either today, tomorrow or the next, since this week is already busy. Last Friday, my bro, puppy, and I were attacked by yellow jackets. We all had to take medication to get swelling down. So, the past few days, I've been struggling with the side effects. In this case, sleep. I barely ate a couple of days ago, and since that effected my energy levels for the next day, I was falling asleep too. Then we get to Monday... I got so sick I couldn't get out of bed for much. I still did because my pup would come inside and say hi. I couldn't eat, and let me tell you, that was a blessing when it came to throwing up. I had nothing in my stomach, so throwing up was as simple as coughing up some acids and boom. done. I feel a lot better today, but I have catch-up work to do today. I guess that's what happens when you take 3 naps in a row. XD \_(.-.)_/
So, I'm doing great now and that's why I haven't been responding to comments or messages. I'll get on that today :)