
Damian's Seduction will probably have a sequel. The characters have been showing me glimpses of their future, and it looks like Damian will be cleaning up Saira's mess with his family's and Angelo's help.
          	Saira's human trafficking business is a lot worse than we thought from Alistair's perspective in Wicked Seduction. :( :(  There are a few nasties to get rid of, with new characters from Lester Harbor's underworld who'll have bigger roles in book 2.
          	Ah, Gemma, Gemma... she's unfortunately probably going to stick around if there's a sequel to Damian's Seduction. :( We need a new villain or two if book 2 happens. 
          	There will be high drama, tension, and plenty of s*x in the sequel. I'm feeling a little evil and want to test Chloe's confidence in her relationship with Damian by rocking the boat. Perhaps one of them will have a dangerous attraction to someone else...
          	Chapter 10 in Damian's Seduction gives a glimpse of Damian's brutal side. He has no pity for the evil people. More of this will come out in the series' sequel. I think Damian's story should break away from Wicked Seduction and Lessons on Seduction.
          	His and Chloe's story, I feel, is just starting...
          	Stick around for Damian's Seduction... more twists are coming. And yes, I promise - the character I killed off will stay dead. This isn't a supernatural story :) 
          	Dangerous love seems to be my thing. ❤️❤️


Damian's Seduction will probably have a sequel. The characters have been showing me glimpses of their future, and it looks like Damian will be cleaning up Saira's mess with his family's and Angelo's help.
          Saira's human trafficking business is a lot worse than we thought from Alistair's perspective in Wicked Seduction. :( :(  There are a few nasties to get rid of, with new characters from Lester Harbor's underworld who'll have bigger roles in book 2.
          Ah, Gemma, Gemma... she's unfortunately probably going to stick around if there's a sequel to Damian's Seduction. :( We need a new villain or two if book 2 happens. 
          There will be high drama, tension, and plenty of s*x in the sequel. I'm feeling a little evil and want to test Chloe's confidence in her relationship with Damian by rocking the boat. Perhaps one of them will have a dangerous attraction to someone else...
          Chapter 10 in Damian's Seduction gives a glimpse of Damian's brutal side. He has no pity for the evil people. More of this will come out in the series' sequel. I think Damian's story should break away from Wicked Seduction and Lessons on Seduction.
          His and Chloe's story, I feel, is just starting...
          Stick around for Damian's Seduction... more twists are coming. And yes, I promise - the character I killed off will stay dead. This isn't a supernatural story :) 
          Dangerous love seems to be my thing. ❤️❤️


Ok, when I was trying to come up with a Chinese name - the name Chloe was born with (she's adopted) in Damian's Seduction, I had to check with my Chinese mother. Here's how the convo went:
          E: So, Mum, what do you think of this name?
          Mum: E, that is a boy's name!
          E: But I've seen the name in stories that use that particular name for their female character.
          Mum: No. That is a boy's name, and I'll tell you why....
          (after an explanation of how Chinese names work and how they are chosen and fact-checking with the Chinese government's site on popular names...)
          E: Mum, you're right. What about this name?
          Mum: What kind of woman is Chloe?
          E: She has an air of innocence, and she's--
          Mum: That name is a famous Chinese adult film star. Some readers might stereotype based on association. You want to tread carefully by avoiding the risk of stereotypes.
          E: Oh. Well, I can't take that one. It won't work with my character. She's an accountant. Every moment of intimacy she shares with her partner is special for them both. Including the BDSM scenes, which are delicate. 
          Mum: Don't make him too controlling. Keep the relationship healthy.
          E: Don't worry, he cares for her deeply after each scene.  He makes general relationship mistakes in the story, but how else will he learn and grow?
          After a bit of back-and-forth and me explaining why I chose Chloe's final Chinese name (in chapter 19), story development, and character development, Mum gave the nod of approval. 
          It was really good to talk with her face-to-face about story-building. She's an avid reader who taught me to read and write. Her feedback can be brutal, but I'm grateful for her honesty and for how she weaves a path for me to never give up writing. 
          She also told me to re-read The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough to improve my writing skills. :)


Looking for a shapeshifter dark romance, but you don't have a lot of time? Feel free to add the now completed short story, The Wolf of Varg Island, to your reading list:
          I'm thinking of compiling a bunch of short stories into an anthology. But first, I'll continue Damian's Seduction. The next chapter is a whopper and will hopefully be out today. ❤️❤️


Happy mid-week! Damian’s Seduction will be back this month when the author is back from annual holiday leave in Australia. ❤️
          In the meantime, chapters of a pre-written short shapeshifter romance story, The Wolf of Varg Island, is being released. 
          And, some exciting news - ✨⭐️ the author has signed to be a Wattpad Creator. ❤️
          Keep reading and writing! Never give up. 


Damian and Chloe are gearing up for a vacation in Australia while the author organizes their suitcases, flights, and hotels... They'll be offline from Damian's Seduction for the next few weeks, but if the author has time, she will try to release a chapter or two for them... it'll be the ending they deserve. :)
          And the ending Saira deserves... ;P


I'm contemplating killing off a character in Damian's Seduction. Who will it be? Alistair? Saira? Vera? Nick? 
          Cleaned up the story quite a bit this weekend before finishing the last chapters...


@PALord19 hehe yes. Time’s up for one of them ❤️❤️


@Keetcha I would love that too. ❤️❤️


@the_spicy_author Gemma and Saira. Please destroy Saira completely and Gemma.