
a i’m so sorry everyone! I’m working on updates atm! I’ve just been going through a really tough time and writing wasn’t my priority. Now that i’m starting to be okay i’m working on updates! 


So how do y’all feel about harryween? Me and my best friends LOST IT. Him sing toxic and MEDICINE LAST NIGHT??? “ A guy like you should wear a warning”?!?!? no? Okay. I’m writing a new chapter of both of my books but i might put falling for stars on hold. I’m having a bit of writers block. Love you all 


HI!! So I've started writing chapter three of 'the boy in the tower' and this is the easiest story I think I've ever written. Also for all those who know... MY HARRY CONCERT IS IN 48 HOURS. Im super excited as this has been a dream of mine for quite some time. Also, I'm going with my besties and sis in law so this will be amazayn


Hi guys!! I know I've been super silent here I apologize. School was kicking my butt so I haven't been doing much writing. BUT IM BACK NOW :)))  I'm currently writing for "falling for stars" they're kind of just filler chapters but its coming I promise. I love all of you more than yall know


Hi guys! So I finished my math and english exams and passed so i finally have free time. I’ve come to a block in the road with my life because something major happened to me, I’m okay but it will take some time to get over. Tonight i’m gonna start writing chappies to both of my books. Possibly by tomorrow will i have them up. Love all of you :)