
Hey everyone!
          	Thank you for checking my page out! I invite you to read "The Astronites" a book I am trying to publish and launch a ten-book series of cross-genre epic. It will contain tales of adventure, fantasy, friendship, and imagination set both in the cosmos and in fantastical worlds. This is the work I'm most proud of, and I hope you enjoy it!
          	I recently posted a sequel, "The Astronites II: Avast Voyage"! It continues the journey and goes beyond everything that was in the first book. The heroes are stronger, the villains are mightier, and the missions are bigger, grander, and legendary-er!
          	"The Astronites III" is complete, but I have not yet illustrated for it, so I don't want to post it yet until I do (unless people are interested). If you are, let me know here!
          	"The Astronites IV" is drafted and currently being edited by my manager, who is helping me get pitch agents and literary firms.
          	If I have any more updates, I'll let you all know! Thanks!


Also, don't let the typos in this post dissuade you from reading my work 


Hey everyone!
          Thank you for checking my page out! I invite you to read "The Astronites" a book I am trying to publish and launch a ten-book series of cross-genre epic. It will contain tales of adventure, fantasy, friendship, and imagination set both in the cosmos and in fantastical worlds. This is the work I'm most proud of, and I hope you enjoy it!
          I recently posted a sequel, "The Astronites II: Avast Voyage"! It continues the journey and goes beyond everything that was in the first book. The heroes are stronger, the villains are mightier, and the missions are bigger, grander, and legendary-er!
          "The Astronites III" is complete, but I have not yet illustrated for it, so I don't want to post it yet until I do (unless people are interested). If you are, let me know here!
          "The Astronites IV" is drafted and currently being edited by my manager, who is helping me get pitch agents and literary firms.
          If I have any more updates, I'll let you all know! Thanks!


Also, don't let the typos in this post dissuade you from reading my work 