
it's 1142. the third suicide thoughts for this month. i know it doesnt solve anything. but i really want to disappear from this world.


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last updated a year ago. saying I will start writing again... but it was bullshit.  in one year so many things happened. I am starting to lose my mind, myself. trying hard to keep my shit together.. but I cant.. suicide seems pretty close choice nowadays. I don't know myself anymore. I lose all interest in my own relationship, my academics. I just feel that I want to end this life. and restart a new one.


thank youu for the advice. ❤


@theathazagora Hi dear.. I'm sorry if kinda busy body but I just wanna share with you, I hv been through the same situation back then but, I found God's love surpases all circumstances even my own life and just so, I started to give thanks & appreciates life. First of all, I forgive myself then I can truly love myself before I can accept life ahead me ❤ Peace, no hard feelings ya 