'Ello again.
So, as everyone who's read Wars Amongst the Stars is aware, Vol. 1 is fully completed. YAY! So, in the hiatus before Vol. 2 is released (sometime around November, keep an eye out) I'm going to be active on Tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/blog/warsamongstthestar-keen. So, anyone wanting some incorrect Keen quotes, they range from The Clone War to Rebels series one, and they're going to on Tumblr, just for the hiatus.
In other news, I'm nearly done writing Vol. 2, and I hope to have it ready for editing by Friday, the 13th, cause that's when my life gets busy, and writing has to go on the back burner.
I've had a joy writing Keen, especially since she's barely like me. I have many plans moving forward, and I hope you all stick around to read more about our Jedi Master.
I know I mentioned this in the A/N in the final chapter of WATS Vol. 1, but on Tumblr, I'm taking any fanart, headcanons, stories you guys write about Keen, or requests, and posting them. So, please feel free to submit.
Until next time, May the Force Be With You, Always.