
FREE today thru Dec. 1:
          	My Northern Ireland friend @ColmHerron's novel... 
          	*The Wake: (And What Jeremiah Did Next)*
          	"If you haven't gotten this book yet, I really don't know why. Colm's a novelist whose work isn't like anybody else's."- @SeeThomasHowl  
          	Couldn't have said it better myself. 
          	And leave a review- that's writers helping writers!


Thank you for your vote on The Rope Maker, Jennifer! Funny, I was just thinking about you. Looking over Groom's Day, I was reminded that you were the first person to ever comment on my stuff on Wattpad. :)


@KristineInchausti I really enjoyed your story! I remember discovering your work when you first joined WP and was so impressed. Happy Writing!


Good evening,  My name is Corey Nero, I recently completed my non fiction book titled "The Last Gent".Can you please read upon your convenience.  Feedback would greatly be appreciated. Thank you in advance and may God continue to bless you.


Hi Jennifer! How are you? I can't believe I wasn't already following you!!
          Thanks so much for voting for Weston's lament chapter of my story! So nice of you. If you could possibly also vote for the Author's Note that would be amazing! That's the only chapter that counts for the contest and voting ends tomorrow. Hope you're doing well!! Britt <3


Hey there! Just letting you know how much I enjoyed your 'Power of rest' book. As beautiful as I found it, I would love to include a few of the paragraphs in my own fiction. Of course, full credit will be given to you so that your efforts are acknowledged 
          I hope that's aright. 


To respect your wishes, I will not be using any excerpts from your book. Thank you for your time to reply.
            Have a great day.


@thepaperbunny Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the Power of Rest. However, I'm not prepared for anyone to use excerpts of my work in their own, whether cited or not. 


Worth the read! From @ColmHerron and @SeeThomasHowl on writing, books, and life.
          on writing *The Wake*
          Can you talk about the process of writing The Wake? What has it demanded of you? 
          The kind of novel writing I do is a bit like taking off all my clothes in public. For example, the first draft of the first novel I wrote, For I Have Sinned, was - rather appropriately - like a public confession. By the time I'd completed the fourth and final draft I'd modified the thing a fair amount but after it was published I still shied away from asking people what they thought of it. That would, I feared, have been inviting derision from them. Likely put-downs such as “You mean to tell me that when you were sixteen you thought it was sinful to want to go to bed with a girl!” sprang to my fevered mind but never happened because I made sure to keep a very low profile. 
          I have moved on a fair amount since then and am now a little bit of a veteran, if having written four novels makes one a veteran! But I still cringe a little when I go back and read some of the things I wrote in that first novel. The only saving grace was that I knew my words were describing not only me but the majority of boys and girls that grew up in Catholic Ireland in the Sixties and Seventies. A place and time where murder was a sin but not as sinful as sins of the flesh.
          The Wake (And What Jeremiah Did Next) is different. This one is a slow striptease. (I hasten to reassure anyone of nervous disposition that I'm speaking metaphorically here!) No, this novel is different from anything I have done before. Here I am writing about the twenty-seven-year-old Colm Herron, except that I disguised myself as a young Irishman called Jeremiah Coffey who considered himself quite modern but was in fact a right-wing Christian with some very unchristian attitudes. Yep, that was me. 
          Brand new edition of The Wake:


@ABEhrhardt So glad you enjoyed, and so happy to hear from you!


@theattentivesoul  It is a lovely tour-de-force - I enjoyed it very much. Even though my Irish politics could use some updating.
            I love when people write about small towns and their inhabitants - I've only lived in large cities and suburbia, and we're quite boring.