
Trying something new
          	Stay tuned for I Love You (bxb fluff oneshots) coming Friday!!!
          	I only have one so far, but I'll update as the ideas come to me


Yes, I know; I posted on an odd day, but I figured I made y'all wait long enough
          New chapter of Never Ever out now and I'll work to better stick to the set schedule of posting every two weeks on Thursday
          Thank you for showing patience and for reading my works!!!


I haven't given up on writing
          It's just taking longer for me to figure out where I want these stories to go
          I started writing them with only about half of the stories planned out and now that's back firing on me
          Please be patient with me as I work to put more chapters out


New chapter for Never Ever coming at midnight
          I know that's not my usual schedule, but since I missed this Thursday, I decided to make up for it
          Also, this chapter is a bit longer than the others, so maybe that counts for something


The next part of "Expect the Unexpected" is coming out next week and I released a chapter of "Never Ever" yesterday
          Thank you for being patient with me while I try to get back on schedule and work out where I'm going with these stories


Yo, I definitely skipped a week with publishing chapters and that's completely on me
          I got sick and was recovering and things just weren't happening properly
          But, I should have chapters out for both books this coming Thursday and Friday
          At least, that's the plan
          Forgive me for not updating and I promise I haven't given up on the stories