
I have decided that I want to discontinue Smeraldo to think about one of my own stories which are not based on anyone (no fanfiction). It is a bigger project which will be a psychological fantasy story. I am designing art and other artistic stuff for this project to have a clear idea regarding this project. I'm not sure whether or not I will write this story in English or German, perhaps both. It would be kind of you to share your thoughts regarding this matter. 


I have decided that I want to discontinue Smeraldo to think about one of my own stories which are not based on anyone (no fanfiction). It is a bigger project which will be a psychological fantasy story. I am designing art and other artistic stuff for this project to have a clear idea regarding this project. I'm not sure whether or not I will write this story in English or German, perhaps both. It would be kind of you to share your thoughts regarding this matter. 


          thank you for adding "truth, kiss or dare to your reading list. 
          your list will be helpful to read all our books. because I accidentally erase the one that I've made... I'm so clumsy haha. 
          have a nice day.
          stay safe, stay gold.


@ noona__ssi  your welcome and please be patient with me 