Hello, my name is Wilma and i love to write, but also loves to read. My dream is to work my  way up to be a famous writer. I know that you cannot succeed with every dream that you have, but in the end if you just fight for it you are going to fullfill your goal. So don't you dare stop following your dreams! I hope you like my writings and start following me. 

I'm really sorry if you find som wrong spelling or wrong grammatically. But I talk Swedish in my "real" life so you pleas have patience with me.

Now to my Swedish account, my account is called wilma3554 if you just get curious of looking through that account.

So, i hope that i can update my stories so fast that's possible but sometimes it's harder to update so we'll see when the time is whit me or not.

But now i'm going to start writing so bye! // Wilma
  • Narnia
  • JoinedJune 26, 2017