Hi, your ghost of a writer here. I just want to vent / ask your sincere opinions regarding a matter. As you all have noticed, I haven't been here since AGES... because, like I have mentioned in some of my works, I have been in a constant writers block. (It also didn't help that I was busy with work and had encountered high stress levels... and also the fact that I haven't gotten feedback from any of my readers-- except from one of my co-writers who happens to be my irl friend lol ) Anyway, just now, I have accidentally watched a YT video related to "fanfictions", and have read the comments. (For context, the video talked about sexualizing the idols... but to make the long story short, majority of them "hated" the fact that idols were being used as fanfic materials as a whole (regardless if they were sexualized or not). For me, writing is my outlet and escape. But sadly, the comments on the video, in addition to my writer's block --- honestly make me want to stop writing altogether. So, I would like to hear your opinions. Should I still push writing or should I stop completely? And if I were to continue, would it help me to stop writing fanfictions? Thanks.

@thebluewisteria I used to be a fanfic writer. It gave me a big boost into what I do now. My writing would never have improved if I hadn't written fanfic. I poured so much effort into every fanfic I wrote, rewatching episodes so it fit into the canonical timeline and everything. It is real writing and I'm not sure why the video is attacking idols as fanfic material, anything can be fanfic material if you love it enough. The whole series I've been writing for the last five years started from me writing fanfic on my friend's idea and asking him for the rights when he ditched it. If writing makes you happy, you should write as you please. I know I've been posting to a quiet audience for awhile but I love what I write and it keeps me going, even tho I wish I had a bigger audience to gauge myself on. I read other fantasy novels to give me ideas, I read other fanfics when I was writing fanfic. It helps to gain interest into what you're writing too, so writers block may go away. I know you probably don't know me, I probably follow you because of D. Gray-Man fanfic, but I hope you can find some answer in what I'm saying. You don't have to listen to haters online gathered in a comments video because that's their niche. You're only going to find negative things. But I say, do what makes you happy. It's the only thing that matters.