
New Story Update. I have tried something new, do read and comment with your thoughts on the prologue.
          	~Sakshi Agarwal


Writing was never easy for me as I tend to self criticize myself a lot but as the time proceeded I tried to accept my pieces which isn't easy as of now as well yet I try my best. Your comments and sweet messages keep me going and I want to thank each and everyone of you for supporting 'Always'. I am overjoyed with the love it's getting (27K READS) can you believe. Nope I can't. Thank You so much guys.
          ~ Ayasa Gray.
          and do follow me on Instagram @thebookish.sytherin for a  lot of bookish content.


I request you to read the whole message or just ignore it.
          But I request you to give it a read ✨
          Hey there
          YES YOU!!!
          The one who is reading this
          Can you do me a favour???
          A small one....
          Can you please
          I know it's hard.
          I know you want to give up.
          I do too.....  
          But I believe with every new sunrise comes a new ray of hope.
          Hope that today will be better than yesterday.
          Just stop whatever you are doing
          Take a moment to relax
          And smile 
          Note because I am telling you to but
          Because smile is a therapy that has the power to cure all your pain and lead you to the path of happiness.
          Because you deserve it.
          Because you are amazing.
          Because you can.
          You think you can't pass this one right??
          But trust me you can 
          Keep pushing
          Because tomorrow is a new day.
          Just extract out a moment out of your busy schedule 
          And give me that twitch of your lip, a broad smile
          Yes  you are almost there
          YAY!!! Here we go. ✔️
          Because you look beautiful when you smile.
          Because you are unique.
          Because there is someone out there who loves you.
          Smile for that person who wishes for your happiness every moment. The one who finds his happiness in yours, the one who cried just to see you smile.
          Life may not be fair
          But believe in yourself 
          When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile. 
          Because you are strong.
          Show the pain sheltering in your heart that you can be strong no matter how much it hurts.
          Wish you a happy day.
          Keep smiling, be happy 
          Hope that made you smile 
          If it did then drop your favourite emoji ❤️
          Ayasa Gray 
          I know some people might think it is nonsense but trust me my friend you will understand one day.


@49ShadesOfGray aweee sooo cutee ❤️


Hi there everyone,
          I just dropped by to greet you. Hope you are doing fine at this time of the pandemic. 
          For those who were asking me to write epilogues to 'Always'. Updated just now.  
          Go and check it out....
          Do voice your opinion through votes and comments because your perspective matters.