
Aww, thanks so much! I didn't draw it, but whoever did is amazing! 


@silentcrescendo2 I went with Isabelle and Olivia to see the Sea of Monsters and me and Olivia were TOTALLY fangirling about the Hobbit trailer, I personally thought the Sea of Monsters was ok to the book just because I understand how the Lightning Thief WAY messed up EVERYTHING so they had to change the prophecy to 20 instead of 16 because the actors were too old to be 14...etc... and by the time they were done fixing stuff most of the movie time had been filled up and they had to leave stuff out so I understand and I LOVED it, Stanley Tucci played Dionysus! FANDOM MIX-UP!!!1!


@camellia_took55 Oh yeah! I mostly talked about it at lunch in art class. We never really discussed it. I saw PJ and the Sea of Monsters! It was good as a movie, but again, not so good as a movie based on the book. It was better than Lightening Thief, though! I also saw the trailer AGAIN for Desolation of Smaug! It would be so cool if we could go see it together!