
Chapter 9 is up loves!!!!! please go read/vote/comment! I love to hear what you think! Hope you all have a lovely day my dears, As always, Love Kass!!!!!!


YOU GUYS! i just got a little ribbon notification on what you see, we made it to 20th out of like 300 books on one of my tags, AND MADE IT ON THE HOT PAGE and i know that probably doesnt seem like much but it really is to me! so please keep reading and voting and sharing, and thank you so much!:) ❤️❤️❤️ As always, Love Kass 


HI MY LOVES❤️❤️❤️ chapter 7!!*!^* is up! and i can’t wait for you to read it:) tell me what you think:) vote comment read love like subscribe watch last weeks videoOoO. love you all and appreciate you all ❤️ As always, Love Kass ❤️❤️❤️


HI LOVES❤️❤️❤️ I just published chapter 5:) please go check it out! I hope you enjoy, and the next chapter will have some interesting parts too!!! that will be up on Friday:) please go read/vote/comment and tell me what you think! 
          As always, Love Kass 


Hi❤️❤️ how are you my loves??? just a reminder that I will be posting the next chapter in “What You See” this tuesday:) I am so excited about this chapter!! It ended up being wayyyyy too long, so there is a part 2 that i will post on friday! so keep an eye out for that:)) ❤️❤️ as always, Love Kass


HI❤️❤️❤️❤️ I just updated “What You See” and I am soooooo excited for you all to read it:) please check it out and leave me some feedback! 
          I love you all very much, I hope you are all having a great day!
          As always, Love Kass❤️❤️


HI ALL❤️❤️ sending this message out to let you all know, I will be updating “What You See” this Tuesday, and will continue to post every Tuesday following, I will probably post twice a week sometimes if I am on track, but I don’t want to promise anything I can’t keep!!! I have 4 more chapters completed and ready to post, and another that I am currently working on, so please check out the first three!!! I really get so much joy from writing this book! So please please PLEASE vote/read/comment if you like, or even if you hate! which I really hope you don’t, buttttttt
          As always, Love Kass❤️❤️❤️