Hello. The ColorKINK here, I hope you all are doing well. You probably already figured this out. But unfortunately I will not be continuing writing fanfics on YouTube. :( I'm extremely sorry to everyone who waited so long for updates. It was really hard to come here and say this. I feel heartbroken and a bit embarrassed that I could not deliver. I hope that you all will forgive me. But, I have decided to turn one of my pieces of work into a screenplay, in hopes of maybe getting a production deal. It's my real dream even though some may think it will not work out and it's a silly pipe dream. But I feel I have to try. Of I'll be changing a few things in the story but I'll stay true to the passion I had in writing it. I'm really nervous writing that to you all. Once again guys please forgive me. :'( But I couldn't leave without saying something. You can unsub on my YouTube channel. Also I privated the videos but if you want to maybe re-read the old fanfics I can set to public again. I'll sign off here. Thank you for the support and critiques because they've guided me so tremendously in the career I really wish to pursue. :') I wish you all the best and that your goals and dreams come true in full bloom. <3 Wholehearted love, The ColorKINK

@thecolorkink That's completely fine. I will still continue to support you and I hope that you feel better. I was wondering if you could maybe make the other fanfics public? They were all very interesting and I loved them. I wish you well!!!