
          	Omg u do like chaizy. Like aaaaaaa. Just warning you, there MINE!!! :p


Look at what my so called  bestfriend did when she got into my account 
          thedarkhypnotist 2012-12-29 15:14:43
          Anyone reading this send " me" a really random message
          thedarkhypnotist 2012-12-29 15:14:05
          Mmmmm moustache
          Lalalalalala orGUSm is a cheese eating llama
          thedarkhypnotist 2012-12-29 15:13:35
          @ orGUSm hello I apologise if u get any wierd messages as this is "thedarkhypnotist " friend and she has no idea so plz send her the most random message ever!please :)


They're all refugees. from the war and religious reasons. The muslims there are pretty radical so the pakistanis that weren't got in a lot of trouble. Our school usually accepts them and they stay until they can get into Canada. Principal specified to watch what we ask them about their life prior to moving, in case we trigger something traumatizing. so yeah, not very happy in a sense.