
because I'm impossibly inconsistent, my brain has randomly decided to completely rework Dante's Dandelion. I'll be unpublishing it for a little while so that after my exams, scholarship interviews, job applications, drivers license and such are out of the way, I can have more time to work on it :)


because I'm impossibly inconsistent, my brain has randomly decided to completely rework Dante's Dandelion. I'll be unpublishing it for a little while so that after my exams, scholarship interviews, job applications, drivers license and such are out of the way, I can have more time to work on it :)


my dark academia friend. we haven't taken ever before, but somehow I had the honour of coming across your account since who in the universe won't like to stop by and say hi after seeing that username? 


@silentunes I feel honoured. Hello, and nice make your acquaintance, my friend :)