
guess what guys , jack is back on wattpad he hwas new account named : jackLuciferMalfoy666 he will post forever mine on there he said he cant wait to see you again go follow him now


^.^ heheeh yippee I’m back :) 


@dracospells we will :) and Jack said hi and his doing fine just watching his daddy and his uncle Andy fighting over a snack …we don’t pity both of them are fine and Jack is laughing at them . And also Lucian aka Jack father said have a great wonderful day too , and he said hi , he knows about your knee and tell you that you’ll be fine when your knee heals , it probably be better in 4 weeks or more 


We won’t be able to finish the chapter of Aizawa and Vlad and the other lyric prank battle of HP stories because we’re taking our uncle Lucian mother to the airport and she’s going on a trip on her own so , Lucian as we all know is not happy about letting his mother out of his eye sight but he had no choice but to accept this …but his dad said “ we’re going to the mall to just walk around and have fun , maybe drink some Starbucks don’t be sad kiddo you’re mother will return on March 14 though you’re little sister birthday she will missed but hey I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere “ hopefully uncle Lucian aka Jack’s father will calm down after drinking some Starbucks drink and eat some of his favorite food he’ll calm down eventually….if not we’re definitely praying to merlin 
          Again we won’t be long it’s just a road trip that take awhile but we’ll be back stay patient guys and we love you- Lucifer family and the crew :)


We won’t be able to write stories in February 21 because we have classes well online sometimes face to face and our uncle want us to be the best on our studies he refused saying “ I don’t want disappointment in this family of mine , I for one work hard to achieve my goals and work and look how I turn out “ we all know…our uncle was raised by …powerful wizard…and his also a Slytherin too don’t worry though we’ll continue to make stories but if we do have enough time :( 
          Stay patient Our dear readers Love from the Lucifer’s Family ~ 


@DNFsupporter1 they aren’t they’re definitely handsome’s , beautiful and also some of them are old now like a grandmother but we still respect them and loved them besides …our uncle will not be pleased if the teachers act unprofessional and doesn’t do they’re job properly :) hahaha it’s amusing too.


@thedevilterrortwins no worries I understand needing to focus on studies. I for one hope your teachers on the other side of the online class aren’t ugly :)


Also have read Tom x Draco? I've read some and I figured it's a rare ship! I can recommend some of you and Jack are interested! 


@kyuubilyn1020 ooh trust me , we probably finish this before Valentines or when valentines will be special moments…and Jack will probably be on the story again being cute and cuddly little bean :) 


@thedevilterrortwins I can already see it! XD the skit is coming back to me-


@kyuubilyn1020 yw :) while you do that XD we’re already gonna make MHA Aizawa and Vlad king switch classes  it will be chaos and hilarious XD 


Hey guys do receive a survey from Wattpad on Messages? Cuz our uncle ScaryRider did get one he was frustrated and confused why Wattpad send him a survey for no reason ? He said “ watttpad had never done this before for years I never received this survey before ? “ cuz we’re confused too


@kyuubilyn1020 yeah it is thankfully Apple clouds are high security nobody can Hacked this Account thank god for our uncle high security password on his iPad 8th Generation apple . 


@thedevilterrortwins yes! It also cost people a lot of money! 


@kyuubilyn1020 definitely scammers no days…shameful really . Can’t they ever do something other than hack or scam people we feel like those guys don’t have other jobs just cause everyone distress and angry .


We have finish our exam , sadly our stories are still frozen for awhile because tomorrow our uncle aka Jack’s father uncle and aunt are having they’re wedding anniversary day tomorrow and he wants the entire family and when he said “ entire family’ he means all of us are going to celebrate it and we are super deeply sorry for late update on stories it’s just we don’t have enough time , we have multiple responsibilities irl rn , but don’t worry we will get it back to it after the power is back on since it will be shut down for awhile stay patient our beloved readers
          Love- Lucifer’s family and Lucifer’s brothers ❤️