
Just rewatched the hunger games and got a little flashback to when I used to write on here.... very strange hahah


Considering taking down what if and all that jazz.... desperate writing from when I was like 10 would you guys be cool with that?
          Idk why I’m asking tbh 


@ thedivergentvictor  please don't! The fandom needs them. We're already falling apart as it is. It's not that bad. Honest to God. I loved it then and I love it now. Please don't take it down.


well, you already deleted the others, but don’t delete “what if,” it did so well


noo, don’t! those stories did so well


I don’t know what brought me to my account today, it’s been Years since I’ve ever actually looked back at my old stories, the fandoms I used to be part of. It’s a bit crazy. I still write fan fiction, I don’t publish anymore though. It’s weird to look back at the comments on my writing. When I read it I feel like it’s completely cringy and not to mention terrible grammar haha, but people actually enjoyed it. Warms my heart haha. Don’t think people read my books anymore, but I’m grateful once upon a time they meant something to some people. That’s pretty cool!


@thedivergentvictor I enjoyed, and still do enjoy your stories, they truly are masterpieces


@thedivergentvictor if you still write fan fiction, why not post it


Guess whos back after what a month? Sorry guys had crazy bad writers block and just had a lot going on which just made me have no passion for writing but I'm back and just updated final battle so hoping to update more books soon! Thanks so much for standing by me! -Em