So it's 1:30 AM and I'm riding a coffee high, so let's roll with it!
After God knows how long (well it's been two years since new material anyway. Shocking, I know) I FINALLY have ISWAK edited it down to a way where I'm not cringing reading the chapters. Now, I know the last chapter that's currently up is unedited, buuuutt I'm rewriting three quarters of it easily, so I reckoned I'd be better off just treating it as a new chapter anyway, so technically all my reworking is done (yay!)
Now I'm going to try to have this new chapter up within the next week but I can make no promises. College is crazy to say the least ( Six projects due in two weeks, the stuff of nightmares my dears)( especially since one of them is to design a complete process for the main ingredient in nappies or diapers, or sanitary towels and the design software is like the crankiest reality TV star going), but lucky for you guys I've been bitten with the writing bug once again so hopefully I'll finish ISWAK before the fever runs its course.
I'll also throw a catch-up paragraph yoke-e-mabob ( I really don't know how to spell that but that's how it sounds phonetically) into the next chapter for my lovely faithful readers who've actually read the relatively shitty original and still liked it. I won't subject ye to another round of repetition :P
Also, I'd like a few good book recommendations from this site pleeease? I suppose I'd appreciate if they've a bit of humour in them, but other than that go wild! Just please make them be well written books, nothing pisses me off more than nearly having to go and edit the thing in my head before reading it. Wow, I sound lovely.
Massive, random AF rant over. If ye've read this far thank you very much and hopefully I'll be talking to ye again within the week :D