
||Hi everyone! I just wanted to say it's certainly been a minute since I've been on this platform... I just wanted to make the announcement that my comeback book is in full force! I will be publishing the chapters in chunks! This is certainly a book that is a lot more slow paced and developed. My time on Wattpad has certainly been extremely enjoyable! Thank you all for giving me a chance to let my creativity run wild. Although I'm not proud of some of the things I've written, I definitely think my writing has matured significantly, not only that, but I did start on this platform very young! It feels weird being on this platform for over 4+ years, hopefully this revamp book will bring a new era for my writing for you all to enjoy... With that said, I have been teasing for a while which book exactly it is that's getting the revamp... and well, the story of 
          	["Kindling Romance"], aka Cedric book
          	Is first on my radar, which doesn't mean the others aren't getting revamped! This one is just one I've had drive to write for, and it's certainly shown in how long my word count has grown! With that said... I'll also be posting a  handful of more chapters to go with the sneak peek! Stay tuned, love you guys! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Hope you enjoy!!




||Hi everyone! I just wanted to say it's certainly been a minute since I've been on this platform... I just wanted to make the announcement that my comeback book is in full force! I will be publishing the chapters in chunks! This is certainly a book that is a lot more slow paced and developed. My time on Wattpad has certainly been extremely enjoyable! Thank you all for giving me a chance to let my creativity run wild. Although I'm not proud of some of the things I've written, I definitely think my writing has matured significantly, not only that, but I did start on this platform very young! It feels weird being on this platform for over 4+ years, hopefully this revamp book will bring a new era for my writing for you all to enjoy... With that said, I have been teasing for a while which book exactly it is that's getting the revamp... and well, the story of 
          ["Kindling Romance"], aka Cedric book
          Is first on my radar, which doesn't mean the others aren't getting revamped! This one is just one I've had drive to write for, and it's certainly shown in how long my word count has grown! With that said... I'll also be posting a  handful of more chapters to go with the sneak peek! Stay tuned, love you guys! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Hope you enjoy!!




||Keeping everyone on their toes, I wanted to just reassure everyone the first revamp book is coming! It's just taking a slightly longer process, due to me starting my first job, and the holidays, and my college classes... Here's the next set of questions^^
          [Daryl Dixon]
          -Should Merle survive to meeting Negan(and get Abraham's death?) or should he survive till the end?
          -Is there anything from the comics you'd love to see incorporated into the show, if so then what?^^
          [Cedric Diggory]
          -Who should the main rivals for the main protagonist be?
          -What type of animal sidekick should they have?
          [Yoichi Yukimura]
          -How many kids should Keichi have together?
          -What in particular are you hoping to see from this book?
          -Who should the main protagonist's love interests be?
          -Should the love interest system be nondefinitive(not having one set love interest) or who should the main protagonist true love interest be?
          ||And are there any other books you're hoping to make it to the final lineup for the revamps?^^ p.s to my TWD fandom out here, WE MADE IT TO THE END! I won't spoil anything about the series finale but... I have some lowkey controversial opinions on who I think should and shouldn't have died... but anywho, thought I'd just point this out heh^^ Let me know your thoughts below my lovelies I'll see you soon! Love ya!


@theeejawneeedee For Cedric:
            - Voldemort maybe or Bellatrix?
            - A cat or  an owl :)


||Adding onto my last convo post, I don't want to spoil which book will be my first revamp comeback book, but I did want your guises help with certain decision making! So here are a few questions for each book, and answer for the one you most hope to see receive the revamp!
          [Cedric Diggory Book]
          -How many kids should the main character end up with?
          -Should Cedric remain a Triwizard tournament competitor?
          -What relation should Main character have with the Weasleys?
          [Remus Lupin]
          -Which book idea sounds better;
          •The Lost Black Brother(Main character is Bellatrix's brother, he was shunned from the family for being in love with Remus, his own sister threw him into a muggle insane asylum)
          •The Lost Black Lineage(Main character's father is Bellatrix's brother, exiled from the black family for his lack of magic abilities/Love for muggles..Main character is a magic user, seeking vengeance against his aunt Bellatrix)
          •Original Idea: Bellatrix's Lost son(She has him at a young age, and dumps him to her estranged sister Andromeda to remain in her family's good graces)
          [Draco Malfoy]
          -Muggleborn or Pure Blood Main character?
          -Who should this character have the closest relation to(Ex: McGonagall as his mother figure, etc
          [Finnick Odair]
          -Which district should Main Character be from?
          [Daryl Dixon]
          -How many kids should Main character end up with?
          -What should Main character's weapon be?
          -Who are some potential male love interests you want to see featured in the book?


            [Cedric Digory Book]
            -3 or 4
            -yes, but main character somehow helps stop graveyard incident
            -cousin, child of Fabian or Gideon Prewitt and adopted after their passing
            [Remus Lupin]
            -The Lost Black Brother with main character finding their way back to Remus
            -Bellatrix's Lost Son with main character teaching Remus to love himself how he is
            [Draco Malfoy]
            -Could Halfblood be an option? If not then Muggleborn
            -Relation should be to Prewitts through Fabian or Gideon (Halfblood) OR Relation should be to squib line from one of the founders
            [Daryl Dixon]
            -2 or 3
            -Ranged weapon = Kunai & Close combat = Katana (and/or Kunai)


            °For the Cedric one:
            -i think 4 or 3 would be nice
            -yes but y/n will have some worries about it for sure
            -close family friends
            °For the Remus Lupin one:
            -The lost black brother...but they(Remus and y/n) reunite please 


@theeejawneeedee sure! :) 
            For Cedric:
            - Like 3?
            - Yes 
            - I forgot what relation they had with the Weasleys in the first place.. sorry
            For Draco:
            - Pure Blood
            - Luna


Was wondering(for anyone who sees this) if anyone would like a revamp of a story I published! I feel like I've grown as a writer and I hope this can push me into the rhythm of regularly uploading once again^^ Here's a few examples!:
          [The Walking Dead Fandom]
          - Daryl Dixon
          [Harry Potter Fandom]
          - Cedric Diggory
          - Draco Malfoy
          - Remus Lupin
          [Hunger Games]
          -Finnick Odair
          + Anything you might want to see, please leave your thoughts in the comments if I missed the one you're hoping to see, or the one you're mostly hoping to see!


@theeejawneeedee I would love to see a revamp of your TWD & HP books, really any of your stories revamped I think would be awesome!


I also would love for you to revamp any of the HP stories because they always could use more gay


@WolfDemon-Platina me too. All of the stories I’ve seen have been for Edmund and I would like to see a complete story with Peter 


I'm really hoping that you'll write a Jasper Hale x Male reader or Harry Potter x MReader. But it's your choice if you don't want or want  to write hehehe. Btw I love your Kindling Romance book! It's magnificent! Keep up the good work!✨


@SpeakNow-TS Don't worry, I'll be waiting for your return


@SpeakNow-TS thank you so much! I'm on a hiatus right now, trying to find my way back to writing, I'll most definitely keep your requests in mind for my comeback! Thanks so much you're so sweet!!


||Hey there again my lovely people^^ I just wanted to make this quick message to say, I'll definitely be going around editing and revamping a large number of my books, but possibly not all of them, if there is any you all would like me to focus on please let me know! And I'll definitely try my best to revamp them! Leave your suggestions in the comments of this announcements, or feel free to send them to my inbox! Love you all!♡


||Hi there my lovelies! I'm so sorry for being gone so long, I didn't realize to what extent my hiatus would be... It's certainly been a while since I've been on this platform, that being said, looking back on my writing, I think the style that I was working on for so long  is better fit for me now, now that I'm a lot more grown and matured, and overall I think my books can definitely use some work, how would everyone feel if I started making revised/revamped versions of certain books?^^ I've definitely grown as a writer, and I'm hoping to be able to reconnect with all of you beautiful beings^^ I missed you all so much, hoping to hear from you all! ♡


@theeejawneeedee go for it!! we stan improvement! ;)


I love your stories especially My Moon, Son of Spring, Polar Opposite and Kindling Romance... They were my favs. I've been rereading it while waiting for the updates. I hope your doing ok, stay healthy and stay safe.
          Still waiting... Fighting ᕙ(  • ‿ •  )ᕗ


@Xiang_Xiao omgg thank you so much!! This literally made my day- I've been busy with classes and work, but I'm slowly trying to gain inspiration for writing on wattpad- stay tuned! Tysm for your support!!<3


A/N: Hi everyone! Admin here! It's been quite a while since I've last checked in- I'm sorry for staying away for so long...  I'm enrolled back in my publishing schedule will still be a bit out of whack... I wanted to just voice everything that's going on with my account and why I've been gone so long... I felt a bit of writers block for a while...and just when i thought I could get back into it... I started working on a few personal writing projects that aren't so much mxm, but they're more like adventure/action AUs...and because I got so into writing this personal AU...I thought it was best to take an even longer break... Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming this project for my absence, I just found more motivation in the project than I did uploading for everyone to see...I know what you all must be thinking, I made a promise that I wouldn't leave without finishing my stories... which brings me to my next point...I've read back on a lot of my books, how would you all feel if I rewrote some of the books? I feel like my writing has matured with the help of a few dear friends~ if you feel like me rewriting a few of your favorite stories of mine is a good idea, then please feel free to leave a comment or dm me! Its great to open this app back up again! I missed you all so much! Love you all~


            That's understandable, my siblings have classes too and time management is really a challenge. And I'm glad to hear from you. 
            I hope you're in good health.


For your Male x reader️‍ book could you do a Jacob Black x (uke) male reader?


Ok thank you and it’s no problem!


@321poiuytrewq ooh that sounds like an interesting pairing! I'll see what I can do! Sorry for the late response <3^^