I haven’t abandoned the story. Just hang in there guys, life has been life-ing for me, but new chapters are coming soon. Be blessed. :)

@theemeralddiary I’m so sorry to hear that sis. What they are doing up there is pure evil. It breaks my heart every time to hear kids won’t have meals and educational resources, when I seen on the news them saying children should just get jobs I rolled my eyes..like what do you meannnn?! SMH.

@RoseQuartz34 I’m praying too sis. I’m a school teacher in a low income area and they are about to strip us of all our resources…free lunch, after school programs, government grants for our field trips, our special education programs. I’m so scared for my kids. They don’t deserve this. I’ve been a wreck. :( Sorry if I’m oversharing.

@theemeralddiary completely understand :) everything is so overwhelming. It’s like we’re in the upside down. Praying that things get better.