
this message may be offensive
(reeeeeaaaallllly long sigh) hello i am here and i will probably not be here for very long but i am here to say I Am Sorry and that all my shit is still on hiatus until later notice???? my mom sucks blame her


@dazais-chuuya I hope for a speedy recovery. 


this message may be offensive
(reeeeeaaaallllly long sigh) hello i am here and i will probably not be here for very long but i am here to say I Am Sorry and that all my shit is still on hiatus until later notice???? my mom sucks blame her


@dazais-chuuya I hope for a speedy recovery. 


hi hello yes its me
          an explanation post(??) is in order
          my phone broke so i couldnt update anything
          then mom got the disney circle thing and everything got blocked over wifi, but apparently wattpad isnt(?)
          so yeah i shOULD be online more
          updates to unholy trinity and broken souls should be Soon:tm:
          blame my adhd brian for forgetting i had a wattpad for so long
          alSO in my last post i said my thighs hurt it was because i had to go up and down stairs all the time to get to my classes on campus while at art camp