Hey Guys, long time no see! Happy New Year by the way! So, here's what's new:
Breigns: Married Life
• New Updated Chapter
• Start of next chapter (should be out soon)
Neth Bellins: Kingdom
• Revamped Chapters (adding details, etc.)
• Expect the entire story to have updates, grammar and detail fixes, Extra paragraphs, stuff like that!
• Start of New chapter which *should* be out by this weekend (January 14th or 15th)
Lanbrose: Collision
• Almost done with the next chapter!
Breigns: Two Worlds Meet
• Expect me to go back and fix ALL chapters of the story! May take some time though!
• 2 New Stories should be out soon! I've been working on them and I'm super excited to see if you'll like them!
Thanks for all your love and support! Send me feedback and I'll do my best to respond! Much love <3
- G