
I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna write another fanfiction...I'm saying this even though I haven't finished any of my stories and my depression is worse than ever, but I'm gonna do this! We must keep getting off the ground every time we fall. It is better to put in effort little by little and let it add to a sum of accomplishment than to stop doing the thing we love because we have never done it before!


Blame it on the many episodes of "Queer Eye" I just finished watching, but right now I'm feeling like I can be productive on here because the world is my oyster!


@Dancingheart622 Oh, who am I kidding? I will probably start writing more than one new fanfiction (and the rest might not be ATEEZ related)!


This one is gonna be ATEEZ related, but I may also add touch ups to my old works and complete them as well.


I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna write another fanfiction...I'm saying this even though I haven't finished any of my stories and my depression is worse than ever, but I'm gonna do this! We must keep getting off the ground every time we fall. It is better to put in effort little by little and let it add to a sum of accomplishment than to stop doing the thing we love because we have never done it before!


Blame it on the many episodes of "Queer Eye" I just finished watching, but right now I'm feeling like I can be productive on here because the world is my oyster!


@Dancingheart622 Oh, who am I kidding? I will probably start writing more than one new fanfiction (and the rest might not be ATEEZ related)!


This one is gonna be ATEEZ related, but I may also add touch ups to my old works and complete them as well.


Can Rick Riordan not use the word "crippled" on page 3 of chapter 1 of Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief? 
          When Percy Jackson describes Grover, he writes: "On top of all that, he [Grover] was crippled."
          Many people claim that Rick Riordan does a great job of including characters with disabilities in his stories and representing them. An author from The guardian even wrote that Riordan is the "king of disabled characters" because he includes characters who have ADHD, asthma, characters who use wheelchairs, and idk if I'm missing any other characters with disabilities because I haven't even read the rest of his books. 
          While it is important to have books like his because these characters are relatable to readers and his writing normalizes people with disabilities, Riordan took one step backwards by describing Grover this way. 
          Percy Jackson does not have a mobility disability, so he should not be using that word. It would have been nice if Riordan at least added a scene in the story where Jackson learns not to use that word (maybe I just need to read the rest of the book to see), but as far as I'm concerned, using that word was unnecessary.


Every day, after working hard with no one there in person to support me, I ask myself, 
          "Would J-Hope and Yoongi be proud of me?" 
          And no matter how little I have done, or how much more I feel like I should have done before I rest my head at night, I know that he would be proud of me. 
          As long as you try, that's all that matters. 
          Even doing little things every day count because they add up to a successful whole.
          And somehow, knowing that they, the kings of staying hopeful and persevering during tough times, would be proud of me, even though they are not physically with me, don't know me, and probably never will, is enough to make me feel loved and appreciated and give me hope for a happy future 
          Stay strong, everyone! Also, I would love to hear about who inspires you to stay hopeful and makes you happy 


Hey everyone. I hope you are doing well. I hope you know that you matter. 
          George Floyd matters. So do the hundreds of other black people who have been murdered, attacked, raped, and worse, but the people who committed a crime against them were not incarcerated.
           I want you to remember that you are loved, and you matter. Even when the people who are supposed to protect us don't think so.
          However, we can be the ones to change their minds. If you have the time, please sign the petition for George Floyd. If you search "George Floyd petition", it will show up on Google. We can show the police department that black lives matter ❤.
          Sending my love...virtually ❤


Hold up. I'mma need Gansey to leave his Southern-style mansion and come collect me with the rest of his friends, cause my life is already 50% like the Raven Cycle series, so I would like some good, relatable companions to ride along with me on the journey (lol)...


Happy World Reading Day! I'm wishing for you all to get some good time in to read a book amongst the chaos of school, work, and the pandemic. 
          Lately I have been reading The Magic of Seven by @Born2beSad and I LOVE IT!! It's the perfect quarantine read for those who are missing their friends or just love a good friendship novel. Especially one with characters who strengthen their friendships by overcoming their obstacles (sadness, being outcasts and feeling lonely, having familial pressures, and more) together. There is LGBTQ+ community representation and even more amazingness! And it takes place in the setting of Hogwarts!
           It is a BTS fanfic though, so beware if you prefer not to read about them.
          I have spent the past two weeks doing nearly anything aside from writing 5 (boring) essays for my final. My eyes have been itching to stare at the digital pages of this book again. I finished the 4th out of the 5 essays today, and I am ecstatic that even though I have one more essay left, I have a few minutes of my day leftover to set aside some time to read for fun. 
          By next Tuesday, I will be done with my semester, so I'm definitely gonna hit the (fun) books for hours!


Ok can someone write a "Life-Size" fanfic where the BTS dolls come to life and help out a fan/hang out with her? Or if it already exists, can you tell me the names of the fanfics so I can read them?!? I'm starving out here and I need some good Mattel doll to life platonic BTS and random fan relationship action


Thank you so much for reading my story! It means a lot! I hope you have a great day~!


@AlexMcSkittles Aww thank you for writing stories! Sending love ❤


I just wanna hop on a pirate ship and discover the magical treasures of the world with ATEEZ. "Illusion" is my favorite song by them and it's not hard to love the adventurous music video. I have a soft spot for pirates. I feel like I was one in my past life because I always want to go on an adventure outside of my town and discover something...
          The first song that got me into them was literally "Pirate King" (not to mention that the catchy reggaeton beat at the end of the song sent me flying)....