  • Elsewhere
  • Se ha unidoDecember 9, 2015

Último mensaje
thefallenone616 thefallenone616 Dec 21, 2015 08:11PM
Raise your hand if you love ALfheim Online! I am a Sylph. What are y'all?
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Historias de The Fallen Angel
Age of the Fallen Angel de thefallenone616
Age of the Fallen Angel
Organization XII arrive in a new land. What sort of adventure awaits them? Huge thank you to Kuroko_ no_Mirac...
Ash de thefallenone616
Ebony was a normal girl until he came along. Ash is a kitsune, who has escaped an underground organization th...
The Assassin of Alfheim (an ALO fanfiction) de thefallenone616
The Assassin of Alfheim (an ALO fa...
Kyubi is a player in ALO. He is an assassin, being hired to kill people. But what happens when Kirito comes a...
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