
Dear All,
          	After three amazing years, we have decided to discontinue. However, find us over on @thefictionawards for more!
          	It is possible that these awards will return by popular demand. But, for the near future, we will be saying goodbye.
          	Thank you for sticking by us since 2016. We never expected these awards to blow up as much as they did and we are humbled by the support.
          	- The Team


@thefanfictionawards it's been a while since you guys were online but I just wanted to tell you how I've found so many of my favorite fanfics through these awards. Whenever you guys decide to come back (or you never do) I'll be here patiently waiting. Thank you so much for everything xx


just as i heard about it, too! aw, man. farewell 

          Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, is now a respected Auror who faces a new challenge: a series of mysterious murders that target former Death Eaters. As he investigates the case, he uncovers a web of secrets, lies, and betrayals that will test his loyalty, his courage, and his sanity. Along the way, he will encounter old friends, old enemies, and old ghosts that will force him to confront his past, his present, and his future. But nothing can prepare him for the shocking truth that awaits him at the end of his quest: a truth that will change everything he thought he knew about himself and the world he lives in.
          {A fan fiction that maybe you never wanted but always needed. Dive into the Harry Potter Universe once again and unravel some big mysteries. A story different from the original series. A breath of fresh air captivated into a known scent of nostalgia. Get on this adventure and find out what Harry and his friends are now after. This may be a fan fiction but it is much more in terms of an original story woven out of well known threads but a completely new design. Hope you like it!}