
Exspect an update today 


@theflarrowfan13 sorry to bug you but I have a snowbarry story idea for you.
          What if barry and Caitlin get stuck on a earth that has no arrow or black canary and barry losses his powers so the two find someone to train them and they become the protectors of star city Caitlin getting a job as a doctor and barry getting a job as a cop. They will spend years together stuck until Cisco gets a vibe of them while trapped in the pipeline of star labs on earth 1 because of nazis.


Since you are like a good friend of snowfall stories may i ask why is snowfall in active? Did i miss something? 
          I had that theory since you always have lil chat in each others books. 


Oh ok thank you btw love ur books


@xXswaag_79 honestly I don't know, we only really talked on here. I've messaged her a few times but I haven't gotten a response... you could try messaging that Cisco_SW I think his name is I know their friends in really life. 


So you might have notices that I keep saying I'm going to update earth angel only for me to not do it. I'm really sorry. I'll get to it soon. I hope your all okay out there. 


@theflarrowfan13 thank you for letting me know :)! 


@theflarrowfan13 so excited to read it!! 