Hi there! I apologise if this seems like spam, but seeing how you follow the NarutoOnline account, perhaps this may be useful to you? If you aren't interested, you can just ignore this~
The Naruto Online Wattpad group is rebooting after some time of inactivity! Unfortunately, some of our old comrades are unable to join us in this ongoing journey.
Despite this, as readers and writers we know that a closed chapter is a bridge to a newly opened one, and our team is currently on the lookout for a new Midnight Blade and Crimson Fist. If you are interested, please DM @BreezeDancer or @xXxScarlet_BlazexXx on Wattpad or discord (the discord accounts will be provided below). Additional information will be provided upon contact, however, please note that grammar knowledge, writing ability, and a discord account is necessary to join the group.
Breeze's Discord: Aisetra#4917
Scarlet's Discord: Kiki#2850