
The best decisions are made at 4am


I apologise to anyone waiting on updates to my oneshots book! I write on notes on my phone before I transfer everything to Wattpad and unfortunately my phone was stolen last weekend. Unfortunately I had 2 one shots and several other tics with 3+ chapters written (not to mention another 20+ chapter outlines for each) and all of that is now gone. Because of that my motivation is a little low atm but I promise I’ll try and get something out ASAP -


I only have 5 more chapters planned for "To Free a Soul" and I'll try to get them done soon! If the ending feels a little rushed I apologise but I'm just running out of motivation for that story but I still want to finish it for you guys!


I just realised that a lot of what I write is centred around the Christmas/Yule period of the year. This is likely because that time of year has some of the most nostalgia/happy memories for me. So uh, unfortunately you guys are gonna have to deal with Christmas romances. Oops


Unpublished and deleated any unfinished but published stories (I don't even remember what they were all called lol) because I just wasn't feeling them and hadn't updated them for months.
          I am working on something new, though, so keep an eye out for that!