
Happy new year everyone!!!!
          	If 2024 was hard I pray it gets better for 2025.
          	If 2024 was great I pray it gets even better too in 2025.
          	Enjoy life. <3


Jinx isn’t dead.. right?!
          Anyways episode 7 was just amazing for timebomb and I can’t get over 
          When the song “Ma Meilleure Ennemie”was playing in the scene I actually cried this season BROKE MEEE I’VE BEEN LISTENING TO THE SONG EVER SINCE EP 7 AAAAAAA


@itsrosiey i think I cried too during Ma Meilleure Ennemie.. dang what a scene :’) 
            I think the song managed to be in my Spotify wrapped lmaoo
            I refuse to believe Jinx is … I think the crew made it pretty clear she could be alive tho I’m holding on to that hope!


If you have any ideas for a ghostflower/timebomb one shot or short story you want to read, please don’t hesitate!
          Because I feel like it’s going to take timeee before I’m finished on “Bonnie & Clyde” or “love birds” but I still want to right something else at the same time..


@itsrosiey great! I’ll see what I can do with this it’s interesting thanks! :)


I feel like a timebomb royal fanfic in which they’re childhood friends but something happened between them and became enemies and suddenly they’re in an arranged marriage and a lot of royal stuff happens and fights and.. yeah thats my recommendation 


@Hugo0112 so… I actually brought some changes (yes including correcting because I cringe sooo bad at my writing), but I’m never 100% sure of it so I often rewrite. Like I had changed Miles’ backstory, but I’m not sure about it. I wanna write the relationships better too, I want to tone down the gang part without making it irrelevant since it’s a major point for Gwen’s story, sometimes I want to keep it and sometimes to remove it but then I have to  think of a counterpart… but I think my biggest dilemma is choosing if I just replace every chapters or if I just publish the story separately lol! Also about the end, I thought of keeping a similar idea considering it opened to a sequel but I’m not so sure anymore, I had 3 plots for the sequel and they’re all sooo messy…!


Hi! It’s been a while!
          I must admit that I was very surprised to see you pop in my notifications.
          I read your TimeBomb one-shot (love this ship too btw, Arcane broke me xD) and let me say to you that your way of writing in English massively improved compared to last year, especially with dialogue rules.


Yesss totally, I definitely trained lol! School helped a lot, now that I progressed a lot in my writing I want to be able to smoothly tells a story too, well constructed, which I have trouble to, hence the long wait for the full stories… which is why I’m currently writing one shots to test myself (all the while progressing on rewriting ofc)
            It’s been awhile good to see you again as well, and I’m sooo happy you watched arcane!! I really love this show


I did sailor_bookz > happyberrycollection >  sailor_bookz again, I changed it back because I realized on ao3 you can’t change the username :’)


@converse1610 yesss (crying because of season 2 act 2)$


welcome back! love the banner & pfp combo btw. poow  *finger gun*