
Hi everyone! Prologue of 'Locked in' was posted today! Go check it out!! 
          	prologue written by- @aidenshort555


@thehungryguy I am writing a book called "Broken Rode" about a girl name Anna Rode and I just need a pretty picture of a rode going through the forest with the title in really beutiful writing. Thank you so much! I will give you credit in my book too! Thanks again!!!:):):):)


that's no problem!! I would love to help you!! it will hopefully be done on Friday/Saturday !! thanks for piking me!!  @lovestrong22


Hello! I have a question for you! But first... My name is Bella. I am an up and coming writer here on wattpad and I heard you make covers! (Searched for books that make covers and then Ickes your because it looked the most interesting.) I really need a cover for a new book that I am writing. I will give you all of the details if you decide to make it.(Which would be great ^<^.)  Well, thanks again! Bye!!!!!


I would love to!! @lovestrong22  what can I do for you?