
Sometimes you write a chapter, publish it, and then realize that the entire thing needs to be redone...:D


Hi Everyone (if anyone reads this),
          Major edits are coming to the story.  The more I read the works of all of my followers, the more inspired I am to be brave and really go for it with ideas.  So, thank you all for writing - promise I'm not stealing your original ideas :)
          Thanks to everyone who reads.  Feel free to comment, because I love to hear what you think!


Hi Everyone,
          So, it turns out I'm a liar because I didn't post when I said I would - weekend from Hell is all I can say.  Anyway, please check out the newest addition to "Where Magic Ends" it's a little dense and primarily included as a way to lay some groundwork for later.  Please comment and let me know what you think.  Thank you!