The brunette hums a tune walking with the male since she didn’t really have much to do especially with the cops and everything glaring down at the others hand she looks down hooking her pinky with his with a small smile “I don’t want you to walk ahead of me.”
i am super manly .. a real man . kleenex are soft ! mr . fury taught me that after my first bloody nose . well , i don’t see why you care so much . i can care for myself ! - manly .
@theirspeed *
your not a man . your a teenager . fine , we’ll get you kleenex since your so picky . I know but shouldn’t you be more careful about it ? this happens too much .
really .. ? bummer . chris , i'm a MAN . i don't need paper towels - i need kleenex . speeding is my thing ! i can’t stop speeding ! safety hazard or not .