Hey y'all! I know it's been a while. I just haven't been in the mood to write && it sucks majorly. Writing is my life so this not good. I have been reading a lot; reading is what gives me the inspiration to write && the crazy I ideas that I get. Between work, school, && things going on with me personally I just haven't had the time or the want to write.
I hate feeling like I am letting all my amazing readers down. Please be patient with me. Hopefully soon I will be updating Size Beautiful as well Love Thy Neighbor. I promise I haven't abandoned that book nor have I forgotten about it. I am also hoping to get a new book posted called Wolfen. I know what you're thinking, another story when you can barely the other two? I might wait till I get Size Beautiful finished to start posting Wolfen. I have two one-shots that I want to get posted as well. So much going on && so little time!
So with all that being said, please be patient with me. It might take a month or two to write but I will write regardless. Just stick with me please. I greatly appreciate each && everyone of you even if I don't post as much as I probably should.
Much love,
Malakai ❤️